Freedom Of Choice

"Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give"

-David O. McKay 

With our freedom of choice comes tremendous power-- and how we use that power determines our destiny. As we are free to choose for ourselves our thoughts, actions, character traits, dreams, circumstances, and more; we are likewise accountable for our choices. Is it obvious that making healthy and correct choices is in our best interest? Through self-mastery (which includes a healthy lifestyle), we are able to ensure proper use of this amazing power of choice.

For this week's homework, let's seek to improve ourselves by applying these two keys to self- mastery:

Key #1: Stay Positive, Even and Especially When You Feel Discouraged! 

George Albert Smith, a deceased spiritual leader and guide, taught, "There are two influences in the world today, and have been from the beginning. One is an influence that is constructive, that radiates happiness, and builds character. The other influence is one that destroys, turns men into demons, tears down and discourages. We are all susceptible to both." Each day, and often each moment, we are positioned to choose between what's positive and negative. If we want to be happy, our choices (including our thoughts) must point us in a happy direction. Choosing a positive path is within our power--even and especially when negative forces try to convince us that we have no choice!

Key #2: Be Willing to Change, Even and Especially When You Don't Want to! 

Many of us realize that we have power to change our actions. Do we also realize that we have power to change our thoughts and feelings? When we struggle with depression, we may feel hopeless and we don't know why or how to change our thoughts and feelings. Through proper coaching, emotional processing, prayer, meditation, and physical support, even our thoughts and feelings change. It is possible to transform many aspects of our lives simply when we intend to change. Freedom comes when we allow our lives to transform in positive ways simply by being willing to change in positive ways.

Former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower said, "We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom." May you find peace this week as you stay positive and seek healthy change.

Essential Oil Tip: 

Wild Orange and Frankincense are great oils to use to support us in a time of transition and change. When you combine the power of Wild Orange with other essential oils, such as Peppermint and Frankincense, you can create an invigorating and mentally stimulating combination that will boost your mind and body for whatever challenges life throws your way. Use these aromatherapy tips to give yourself a positive outlook on life as you use your freedom of choice to do good and uplift others.

Rebecca's Challenge:

As Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." Tonight, write down some difficult situations that you may confront in the next couple of days or weeks. Beside each of those difficult situations, prepare a way that you will positively respond to that circumstance. As you think about your responses, ponder on your freedom of choice and make a commitment to respond with love, kindness, and positivity. Do this, and you will guarantee that you will "win" the day.



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